


日時: 2014 年 2 月 15 日 (土) 16:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

講師: Volker Bach氏 (Brauschweig 工科大学)

題目: G, P, Q Representability Conditions and Correlation Estimates
in Quantum Chemistry.

概略: The notion of representability of reduced density matrices is
defined and discussed.
Representability - more recently also refered to as the "quantum marginal
problem" - is an important
mathematical question in quantum chemistry in connection with the
variational characterization of ground
states of Coulomb systems, that is, (nonrelativistic) atoms and molecules.
It is shown that the G-Condition
and the P-Condition from representability theory imply fermion correlation
estimates from which, in turn,
nontrivial bounds on the accuracy of the Hartree-Fock approximation for
large Coulomb systems result.
While these correlation estimates have been known before for some 20 years,
more recent representability
conditions, such as Erdahl's T_1- and T_2-Conditions, open the perspective
to considerably improved
correlation estimates. These new developments are discussed, as well." 


日時: 2014 年 1 月 8 日 (水) 16:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

講師: Marius Beceanu 氏 (Univ. California Berkley)

概略:I will present some results related to Schroedinger's equation with time-dependent potentials.

This work is joint with Juerg Froehlich and Avy Soffer.



日時: 2013 年 12 月 14 日 (土曜日) 16:00 -- 18:15
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

1. 16:00--17:00
講師: Evgeny Korotyaev 氏 (St. Petersburg state 大学)

題目:Global properties of resonances for 1D perturbed Stark operators

We consider the 1D Stark operator perturbed by a compactly
supported potential (of a certain class) on the real line.
We discuss the global properties of resonances. We obtain the following

1) Upper and lower bounds of the number of resonances in complex discs of
large radius.
Here there exists a big difference between the case of Schrodinger
and the case of Stark operators

2) the trace formulas in terms of resonances.

3) determine S-matrix in terms of resonances only.

tea time

2. 17:15 -- 18:15
講師: Arne Jensen 氏 (Aarlborg大学)

題目: Resonances without analyticity

Consider a Schr\"odinger operator with a simple eigenvalue embedded i
n the continuum.
We will present results on the behavior of this eigenvalue under small
In many cases this leads to a resonance, where a resonance is defined using
the survival probability in the original eigenstate. A resonance is
characterized by
exponential decay in time of the survival probability for a certain time
The result is proved by constructing a metastable state exhibiting the
exponential decay behavior.
Joint work with H. Cornean (Aalborg) and G. Nenciu (Bucharest)



日時: 2013 年 11月30 日 (土) 16:00--17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

講師: Avy Soffer氏(Rutgers Univ)

Scattering for the Klein-Gordon equation with low power nonhomogeneous

We study the 1D Klein-Gordon equation with quadratic and variable
coefficient cubic nonlinearity. This problem exhibits a striking resonant interaction
betweenthe spatial frequencies of the nonlinear coefficients and the temporal
oscillations of the solutions. In the case where the worst of this resonant behavior
is absent, we prove global existence and (in L-infinity) scattering as
wellas a certain kind of strong smoothness for the solution at time-like infinity
with the help of severalnew classes of normal-forms transformations.



日時: 2013 年 11月 9日 (土) 14:30--17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

1. 14:30--15:30

講師:新國 裕昭氏(前橋工科大学)

題目: ジグザグナノチューブに付随する量子グラフ上の周期的シュレディンガー作用素のスペクトルについて

概略: 本講演では,カーボンナノチューブのひとつであるジグザグナノチューブの構造に対応する
量子グラフ上の周期的シュレディンガー作用素のスペクトル について調べた結果を述べる。
作用素とユニタリ同値になるため, そのうちのひとつのスペクトルが特別な条件下でバンド構造


tea time 15:30--16:00

2. 16:00--17:00

講師: Sandro Graffi氏(University of Bologna)

題目: Convergent perturbation expansions for possibly non-isolated eigenvalues

概略: Appropriate conditions on both the unperturbed operator and
the perturbation are isolated such that the Rayleigh-Schroedinger perturbation
expansion near a possibly non-isolated eigenvalue exists and is convergent.


日時: 2013 年 10月 24日 (木) 16:00 --
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

講師: 小山 信也氏(東洋大学)

題目: 数論的量子カオスと量子エルゴード性

数論的量子カオスは,1992 年に米国プリンストン大学の
「数論的群のスペクトルλ とその固有関数uλ を,特にλ → ∞





日時: 2013 年 7月 20 日 (土) 16:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

講師: 相場 大佑氏(学習院大・理)

題目: massless Dirac operatorのゼロレゾナンスについて

概略:3次元空間の無限遠方で $ |x|^{-k} $, k>1 で減少するポテンシャルを持つ、
Massless Dirac operator に対するゼロレゾナンスの非存在を証明する。




日時: 2013 年 6 月 29 日 (土) 16:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

講師: Richard Froese (University of British Columbia)

題目: Transversely periodic potentials on trees

概略: We discuss a class of random Schrodinger operators on trees
where a pair of potentials is chosen independently at random for every level
in the tree and then repeating periodically across that level.
This model exhibits a weak disorder transition between localization
and delocalization as the joint distribution of the potentials is varied.


日時: 2013 年 6 月 20 日 (木) 17:00 -- 18:00
場所: 学習院大学 南7号館1階101教室

講師: Horng-Tzer Yau 氏 (Harvard University)

題目: Universality of random matrices, Dyson's Brownian
and De Giorgi-Nash-Moser theory of parabolic regularity.

Eugene Wigner’s revolutionary vision predicted that the energy levels of
large complex quan- tum systems exhibit a universal behavior: the statistics
of energy gaps depend only on the basic symmetry type of the model. These
universal statistics show strong correlations in the form of level repulsion
and they represent a new paradigm of point processes that are
characteristically different from the Poisson statistics of independent

Simplified models of Wigner’s thesis have recently become mathematically
accessible. For mean field models represented by large random matrices with
independent entries, the celebrated Wigner-Dyson-Gaudin-Mehta (WDGM)
conjecture asserts that the local eigenvalue statistics are universal. For
invariant matrix models, the eigenvalue distributions are given by a log-gas
with potential $V$ and inverse temperature $\beta = 1, 2, 4$. For $\beta
\not \in \{1, 2, 4 \}$, there is no natural random matrix ensemble behind
this model, but the analogue of the WDGM conjecture asserts that the local
statistics are independent of $V$.

In these lecture, we review the recent solution to these conjectures for
both invariant and non-invariant ensembles.
We will demonstrate that the local ergodicity of the Dyson Brownian motion
is the intrinsic mechanism behind the universality. Furthermore, we will
show that the universality of gap distribution requires to prove a Holder
regularity of a discrete parabolic equation with random coefficients. For
this purpose, we incorporate the ideas of parabolic regularity via a De
Giorgi-Nash-Moser approach.



日時: 2013 年 6月 15 日 (土) 14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

1. 14:30--15:30

石田 祥子氏 (東京理科大・理)

題目: Local-in-time existence of energy solutions to Keller-Segel systems
with porous medium diffusion

まず, 方程式を非退化放物型方程式に近似することで近似解を構成し,
しかし, (KS)に対しては比較定理を適用できないため,
本講演では, 近似解の存在時刻を下から評価する``ある方法''を紹介し,
なお本研究は横田智巳氏 (東京理科大学)との共同研究である.

tea time

2. 16:00--17:00

田中 視英子氏 (東京理科大・理)

題目: Generalized eigenvalue problems of nonhomogeneous elliptic operators

概略: pdf



日時: 2013 年 5月 18 日 (土) 14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室

1. 14:30 -- 15:30
講師: 鈴木 章斗氏(信州大・工)

題目: ペンダント頂点付き格子のスペクトル解析


tea time

2. 16:00-- 17:00
講師: 佐々木 格氏(信州大・理)

題目: 準相対論的Pauli-Fierzモデルの基底状態の存在について
