日時: 2017 年 2月 4 日 (土) 14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室
1. 14:30--15:30
講師: 庄司 直高氏 (筑波大学)
題目: Interior transmission eigenvalue problems on manifolds
概略: 本講演では、非散乱現象から現れる内部透過固有値問題についてまず
tea time 15:30--16:00
2. 16:00--17:00
講師: Rafaelle Scandone氏(SISSA Trieste)
題目: Dispersive properties of Schroedinger operators with point interactions
日時: 2017 年 1 月 14日 (土) 14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室
1. 14:30--15:30
講師: 吉冨和志氏(首都大学東京)
Title: Finiteness of the discrete spectrum in a three-body system with
point interaction
Abstract: In this talk we are concerned with a three-body system with
point interaction, which is called the Ter-Martirosian--Skornyakov
extension. We locate the bottom of the essential spectrum of that system
and establish the finiteness of the discrete spectrum below the bottom.
Our work here refines the result of R. A. Minlos (Mosc. Math. J. 11 (
113-127), where the semi-boundedness of the operator is obtained.
tea time 15:30--16:00
2. 16:00--17:00
講師: Horia Cornean氏(Aalborg Univ.)
Title: On the existence of impurity localized excitons in 1D systems
Abstract: Consider a three-body one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operator with
short range potentials, which models a positively charged impurity
interacting with an exciton (a pair of two oppositely charged particles).
Denote the charge of the impurity by $\kappa$. We study the existence of a
ground state as a function of $\kappa$.
We show that for small $\kappa$ there exists a unique bound state which goes
like $\kappa^4$.
Moreover, if the potentials are modelled by Dirac distributions, we can
explicitly compute the leading coefficient. On the other hand, if $\kappa$
is larger than some critical value, we can prove absence of the discrete
This is joint work with J. Have, T.G. Pedersen and H. Kovarik.
日時: 2016 年 11月 5日 (土) 15:00 -- 17:30
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室
1. 15:00--16:00
講師: 秋山茂樹氏(Shigeki Akiyama, Tsukuba Univ.)
題目: Almost periodicity and coincidence of tiling dynamics
Almost periodicity of tiling is equivalent to the pure discreteness of
tiling dynamical system, the translational flow defined on a tiling.
When the system is given by substitution rule, it is also equivalent to
a coincidence condition. We explain these equivalences in a naive manner
and present some computation results.
----tea time 16:00--16:30 ----
2. 16:30-- 17:30
講師: David Damanik 氏(Rice Univ.)
題目: Almost Periodicity in Time of Solutions of the KdV Equation
We describe joint work with Ilia Binder, Michael Goldstein and Milivoje Lukic,
which is motivated by the following conjecture of Percy Deift:
Solutions of the KdV equation with almost periodic initial data are almost
periodic in time. Our work confirms this conjecture in the so-called
Sodin-Yuditskii regime, that is, assuming that the Schr"odinger operator whose
potential is given by the initial datum has purely absolutely continuous
spectrum (along with some mild assumptions on the topological structure of the
研究種別: RIMS共同研究
研究題目: 準周期系の数理物理とその周辺
研究期間: 平成28年11月7日(月)午後〜平成28年11月9日(水)午前(3日間)
場 所: 数理解析研究所111号室
名称:スペクトル・散乱 松本シンポジウム
日時:2017年 1月8日(日) 18:00-20:00
会場:石碾き蕎麦 水舎 松本今町店
スペクトル・散乱 松本シンポジウム
佐々木格(信州大学理学部) E-mail: isasaki+SSMS2017@shinshu-u.ac.jp
鈴木章斗(信州大学理学部) E-mail: akito+SSMS2017@shinshu-u.ac.jp
日時: 2016 年 6月 25 日 (土) 14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室
1. 14:30--15:30
講師: 千原浩之氏(琉球大学)
題目: Bargmann-type transform associated with ellipses
本講演では、ユークリッド空間上の大域的な Bargmann 型の積分変換および関連
---15:30-16:00 tea time ---
2. 16:00--17:00
講師: 南 就将氏 (慶應義塾大学)
題目: One dimensional Schroedinger operator with decaying white noise potential.
概略: We consider a random Schroedinger operator H on the half-line whose
potential term consists of the Gaussian white noise with spatially decaying
factor a(x). For this model, some of the results of Kotani-Ushiroya
(CMP vol.115 (1988)) are reproduced, namely:
(i) When a(x) is square integrable , H is self-adjoint and lower semi-bounded
with probability one. The positive part of its spectrum is absolutely
(ii) When a(x) is smooth and decreases to zero, H is self-adjoint with
probability one, and has dense point spectrum in some subinterval of positive
spectral axis.
日時: 2016 年 6月 4 日 (土) 14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室
This talk concerns with eigenvalues distribution of random Jacobi matrices
with i.i.d. components. We show the convergence of the empirical distribution
and the Gaussian fluctuation around the limit by using martingale central
limit theorem. As an application, we study the empirical distribution of
eigenvalues of Gaussian beta ensembles at high temperature and get analogous
---15:30-16:00 tea time ---
2. 16:00--17:00
講師: 石田敦英氏(東京理科大・工)
題目: A propagation property for the fractional power of negative Laplacian
日時: 2016 年 4月 9 日 (土) 16:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南4号館2階 205セミナー室
講演者 Arne Jensen (Aalborg大学)
講演題目 Memory Effects in Mesoscopic Systems
Consider a quantum dot coupled to two semi-infinite one-dimensional leads at
thermal equilibrium.
We turn on adiabatically a bias between the leads such that there exists
exactly one discrete eigenvalue both at the beginning and at the end of
the switching procedure. We investigate the dependence of some
observables on the switching procedure. For example, the expectation on
the final bound state strongly depends on the history of the switching
On the other hand, the contribution to the final steady-state corresponding
to the continuous spectrum has no memory, and only depends on the initial
and final values of the bias.
(Joint work with H. Cornean (Aalborg) and G.
Nenciu (Bucharest). )