
講演者 Gianfausto Dell'Antonio (SISSA名誉教授, Trieste)

日時: 2010年3月13日(土曜日)4時から 

場所 南6号館203号室

題名 Limit motion on metric graphs

We study the convergence of the solutions of the Schroedinger
equation in an epsilon-neighborhood of a star-shaped metric graph
(with Dirichlet b.c.) to the solutions of the same equation on the
graph when epsilon goes to zero. We show that the boundary conditions
that one has to choose for the limit motion at the vertex depend on
the shape of the neighborhood near the vertex through the presence of
a "resonating sequence " of states.


日時: 2010 年 2月 20 日 (土)16:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室


講師: Prof. Wilhelm Schlag (Dept. of Math., Univ. of Chicago)

題目: On decay of linear waves on curved backgrounds

概略: We will review some recent work on decay (local as well as global)
of solutions to the Schroedinger and wave equations on manifolds.
We will focus on specific examples such as surfaces of revolution which
exhibit periodic geodesics and derive estimates for fixed angular momentum
and discuss the problem of summing over all angular momenta.
For the latter, it is particularly important to distinguish cases where
the geodesic flow is hyperbolic (unstable) versus those where it is stable.
Loosely speaking, one can sum over angular momenta in the former case but
not the latter. We will also show how these methods apply to the wave
equation on a Schwarzschild black hole background.


日時: 2010 年 1月 16 日 (土)14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

1. 14:30--15:30

講師:Prof. Jacob Schach M\oller(Aarhus Univ., Demark)

題目:On embedded eigenvalues and their eigenstates in singular
Mourre theory'

The problem of following embedded eigenvalues under perturbations
in the context of regular Mourre theory, which should be understood
in the sense of Mourre's original paper or more generally in the sense of
Amrein, Boutet de Monvel and Georgescu, is by now in principle well
In particular the Fermi Golden Rule is established for concrete models
and in an abstract setting. There are however natural models that fall
outside the scope of regular Mourre theory. Examples are time-periodic
many-body operators
in the Floquet picture, and massless models of non-relativistic QED.
Here, in particular, natural first commutators are not bounded with
respect to the Hamiltonian. This necesitates a much more involved
analysis of perturbed embedded eigenvalues and their eigenstates. This
talk will focus on such an analysis, motivated by the two examples
mentioned above. The presentation is based on joint works with
Faupin-Skibsted and Westrich.

Tea Time: 15:30-- 16:00 数学科図書室 南4号館 3階

2. 16:00--17:00

講師:Prof. Andrea Sacchetti (Universita di Modena, Italy)
題目:Nonlinear Schrodinger equations with double well potential

概略: Abstract


日時: 2009 年 12月 12 日 (土)14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

1. 14:30--15:30

講師:森本 光太郎氏(首都大学東京大学院・理工)



Tea Time: 15:00-- 15:30 数学科図書室 南4号館 3階

2. 16:00--17:00

講師:下村 明洋(首都大学東京大学院・理工)





日時: 2009 年 11月 5 日 (木)16:00--
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

講師:Gianni Jona-Lasinio 教授(ローマ大学I, La Sapienza)


1. Solutions to some infinite dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi equations

2. Explicit construction of the quantized Dirac field in two dimensions in presence of a magnetic field 


日時: 2009 年 11月 14 日 (土)14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

1. 14:30--15:30

講師:渡辺 達也氏(大阪市立大学 理学研究科 数学研究所

題目:G-invariant positive solutions for a quasilinear Schr\"odinger

本講演ではプラズマ物理におけるsuperfluid film方程式として導出される
このdual approachと言われる方法を用いた定常問題の正値解の存在に

Tea Time: 15:00-- 15:30 数学科図書室 南4号館 3階

2. 16:00--17:00



本研究は、Mathieu ColinとThierry Colin (ボルドー第1大学)との共同研究に基づく


日時: 2009 年 10月 10 日 (土)14:30 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

1. 14:30--15:30

講師:澤野 嘉宏氏(学習院大・理)




Tea Time: 15:30-- 16:00 数学科図書室 南4号館 3階

2. 16:00--17:00

講師:田村 英男氏(岡山大・理)



アハラノフ・ボーム ハミルトンは、


日時: 2009 年 7月 11 日 (土)14:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

1. 14:00--15:00

講師: 伊藤 真吾氏(東京理科大学・理)

題目: Propagation of singularities for a system of semilinear wave
equation with null condition



Tea Time: 15:00-- 15:30 数学科図書室 南4号館 3階

2. 15:30--17:00

講師: 黒田 成俊氏(学習院大学・名誉教授)

題目: Diagonalization modulo norm ideals: Spectral method and modulus of


The problem is to ask whether a commutative N-tuple of selfadjoint
operators can be simultaneously diagonalized by perturbations belonging
to a certain norm ideal, such as the ideal of compact operators, the
Hilbert-Schmidt class operators, etc. For N=1 (the case of single
operators) the problem is classical, going back to H. Weyl (1909).
Since 1970's the problem for general N has been investigated by
J. Voigt, D. Voiculescu, J. Xia. For N-tuples Voiculescu's result is
decisive. For "diagonalization theorems under functional calculus",
which have been investigated by Xia since late 1990's, the spectral
method developed by Berg, Sikonia, Weidmann, and Voigt is also effective.

In this talk I will first make a short review of history. Then, I will
try to see how far one can go by the spectral method. The emphasis is
put on the simplicity of the spectral method as compared with other
methods. In the main result the modulus of continuity will be used to
measure the degree of continuity of functions appearing in "functional
calculus". Some elementary remarks on modulus of continuity will also be
included. The review part is essentially a replay of my talk at RIMS,
December, 2008. The formulation using the modulus of continuity is new.




日時: 2009 年 6月 20 日 (土)14:00 -- 17:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

1. 14:00--15:00

講師: Francis Nier 氏(Universite de Rennes, France)

題目: Pseudospectral estimates and exponential time decay for contraction
semigroups : a toy model.

概略: Several kinds of spectral quantities associated with semigroup generators are involved in the problem of the return to the equilibrium for parabolic or hypoelliptic type linear evolution equations: the numerical range, the spectrum and the pseudo-spectrum (or ・spectrum).
The distinction between the three spectral objects becomes crucial when the generator is a parameter-dependent differential operator.

In a recent work with T. Gallay and I. Gallagher, we have studied a simple one dimensional model.
It is a parameter dependent non self-adjoint perturbation of the harmonic oscillator hamiltonian, where the three spectral notions are related to
various quantitative estimates. Such a simple model, originally arising from the study of the stability of Oseen vortices in fluid mechanics, shows
a wide variety of phenomena.

Outline of the lectures :
The first lecture will present the origin of the problem and the main results
(slide presentation).
The two last ones will be devoted to some technical details.

Tea Time: 15:00-- 15:30 数学科図書室 南4号館 3階

2. 15:30--17:00
講師: 藤家 雪朗氏(兵庫県立大学・理)

題目: Residue of the scattering amplitude at barrier-top resonances.
(Joint work with J.-F.Bony, T.Ramond and M.Zerzeri)

概略: We consider the Schroedinger operator in the multi-dimensional Euclidean
space with a short range potential. We are interested in the scattering
amplitude at the energy level of the potential maximum.
More precisely, we suppose that the trapped trajectory
of the corresponding classical Hamiltonian system at this level consists of
a single fixed point.
The scattering amplitude is meromorphic in a complex neighborhood of this
energy, and the poles are called resonances. We will give the semi-classical
expansion of the residue of the scattering amplitude at these poles.
By the representation formula of Isozaki-Kitada, it reduces to the study of
the singular part of the resolvent. Under the assumption that the resonance
in question is “asymptotically simple", we can compute it by using our
previous result about the microlocal connection formula of WKB solutions
around the fixed point.

集中講義2009年 6月20日(土), 25日(木), 26日(金)

Francis Nier 氏は 6月25(木),26日(金) 16:20--17:50 に非自己共役作用素に関する
集中講義をされます。6月20日(土) のスペクトル理論セミナーでの講演を初回として,


日時: 2009 年 5月 30 日 (土)13:30 -- 16:00
場所: 学習院大学 南6号館 203号室

1. 13:30--14:30

講師: 小澤 徹氏(早大・理工)

題目: 対称性とソボレフの埋蔵



Tea Time: 14:30-- 15:00 数学科図書室 南4号館 3階

2. 15:00--16:00

講師: Marilena Ligabo' 氏(Universita degli studi di Bari, Italy)

題目: Quantum Zeno effect and dynamics


If frequent measurements ascertain whether a quantum system is still
in its initial state, transitions to other states are hindered and
its evolution is slowed down. This phenomenon was named the quantum
Zeno effect by Misra and Sudarshan. In its broader formulation, for
frequent projections onto a multidimensional subspace, the system can
evolve away from its initial state, although it remains in the
subspace defined by the measurement. The limiting time evolution
within the projected subspace is called quantum Zeno dynamics. From
the mathematical point of view, the quantum Zeno dynamics is related
to the limit of a product formula obtained by intertwining a time
evolution group with an orthogonal projection.
In this talk we will prove a sufficient condition for the existence
of a quantum Zeno dynamics for finite-rank projections and lower-
bounded Hamiltonians. A fortiori, this is a sufficient condition for
the quantum Zeno effect. Moreover, we will introduce a novel product
formula directly related to the quantum Zeno effect. This will allow
us to prove a characterization of the multidimensional quantum Zeno
effect, in terms of a spectral decay property of the (not necessarily
lower-bounded) Hamiltonian on the range of the projection.



日時:2009年4月25日(土) 13:30--17:00

場所: 学習院大学南6号館 203号室

1. 13:30--15:00

講師: 新国 裕昭氏(首都大学東京)

題目: Rotation number for the generalized Kronig-Penney Hamiltonians


周期的な点相互作用に従う1次元シュレディンガー作用素について考察する. ポテンシャルの周期性からそのスペクトルはバンド構造を持つ. 
本講演では, バンド端と回転数の関係について得た結果を述べる.滑らかな周期ポテンシャルに従う
シュレディンガー作用素に対してJohnson 氏,Moser 氏が得た結果と比較し,ポテンシャルの特異性がどのように反映されるのかを考察する.  

Tea time 15:00-15:30 南4号館 3 F 数学科図書室

2. 15:30--17:00

講師: 望月 清氏

題目: On space-time estimates and scattering for evolution equations with time dependent small perturbations

概略: We first summarize an abstract theory of scattering for evolution equations with time dependent perturbations.  
In the latter half, after preparing necessary resolvent estimates of the Laplace operators, we treat the Schr\"odinger 
equation with time dependent complex potentials and Klein-Gordon equation with perturbations of time dependent first order 
differential operators